Thursday, 4 April 2013

Day 4 of 6 week challenge

Morning everyone. So I'm really inspired about doing this six week challenge. I went for a run last night and have been eating so good. I basically have a 3 out of 4 of either a black rice tuna and avocado sushi roll, rocket and Parmesan with lemon juice and olive oil salad, a tomato, rocket, Parmesan 2 egg omlette or natural Greek yoghurt with slivered almonds and honey. I might also have a salmon steak if I can. On another note I am beyond excited about travelling in August and moving to europe next year : ) It's all I think about. I also am writing a screenplay which is a great creative outlet so all in all, I'm really happy at the moment. I can't wait to start documenting my travels but until then, it's work work work for me : ) Love Han xx

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